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Essential Prepping Supplies You Might Have Overlooked

Essential Prepping Supplies You Might Have Overlooked

Sara Rogers |

Your shelves are stocked with the basics: batteries, Band-Aids, and buckets of freeze-dried food. You’ve worked hard to prepare, ensuring your family’s safety and security during any emergency. But have you truly covered all your bases?

Even the most prepared among us can overlook some critical items that might make all the difference in a crisis. These commonly forgotten prepping supplies could be the key to boosting your survival odds and keeping you comfortable in the toughest situations. Let’s explore some essential prepping supplies that you might have missed, and why you should consider adding them to your inventory.

Pet Supplies - SHOP

Pet Supplies

You’re well-stocked with rice, beans, and canned meat, but what about your furry friends? In an emergency, your pets will need food, water, and care just as much as you do. Make sure to include extra pet food, water, and any necessary medications in your preps. Remember, their well-being is as crucial as yours.

Combs - SHOP


Personal hygiene is often overlooked during emergencies, but maintaining cleanliness and grooming is essential for both physical and psychological health. A sturdy comb is an easy addition to your kit and can provide a sense of normalcy and routine during stressful times.

Contraceptives - SHOP


In an emergency, the last thing you want is an unexpected pregnancy. Stock up on contraceptives to avoid adding extra stress to an already challenging situation. Whether it’s birth control pills, condoms, or other methods, make sure you have enough to get through a crisis comfortably.

Electrolyte Drinks - SHOP

Electrolyte Drinks

Staying hydrated is vital, especially during stressful situations where your body may lose more fluids than usual. Premade electrolyte drinks or powder mixes can help replenish lost fluids and keep you energized. They are particularly useful during illnesses that cause vomiting or diarrhea, ensuring you bounce back quickly.

Vitamins and Supplements - SHOP

Vitamins and Supplements

In an emergency, your regular diet might be disrupted, making it difficult to get the nutrients you need. Stock up on essential vitamins and supplements to maintain your health and boost your immune system when fresh food isn’t available. Vitamins can be a game-changer in keeping you and your family healthy during prolonged crises.

Sunscreen - SHOP


Whether you’re bugging out or working in your garden, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause serious skin damage. Sunscreen is an essential item that often gets overlooked, but it’s crucial for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays during extended outdoor activities.

Feminine Hygiene Products - SHOP

Feminine Hygiene Products

Menstruation doesn’t stop during emergencies, so it’s important to have a stockpile of feminine hygiene products. Whether it’s pads, tampons, menstrual cups, or reusable cloth pads, ensure that the women in your household have what they need to stay clean and comfortable.

Wound Wash - SHOP

Wound Wash

Having plenty of bandages won’t help if you can’t clean a wound properly. Sterile saline wound wash can be a lifesaver when running water isn’t available. It effectively cleans wounds, reducing the risk of infection and helping you stay safe.

Boredom Busters - SHOP

Boredom Busters

In a survival situation, keeping morale high is just as important as keeping everyone safe. Stock up on games, books, and other forms of entertainment to keep your mind occupied and lift spirits during downtime. These items can be a valuable source of comfort and distraction.

Long Neck Utility Lighter - SHOP

Long Neck Utility Lighter

Matches and standard lighters are essential, but a long-neck utility lighter can reach those hard-to-light places, like deep candles or stoves during power outages. It’s a versatile tool that can make your life easier in an emergency situation.

Nail Clippers - SHOP

Nail Clippers

Long nails can harbor dirt and bacteria, increasing the risk of infection. Keep a pair of nail clippers in your prepping supplies to maintain proper hygiene and prevent unnecessary health issues. Plus, they can double as a tool for small tasks like cutting fishing line or removing splinters.

Sewing Kit - SHOP

Sewing Kit

Clothing and gear are bound to wear out, especially in an extended emergency. A sewing kit with various threads, needles, and buttons allows you to repair clothes and gear on the fly, ensuring you’re always ready for the next challenge.

Insect Repellent - SHOP

Insect Repellent

Insects can be more than just a nuisance; they can carry diseases and make life miserable during an emergency. Keep bug spray or other insect repellent on hand to protect yourself and your family from bites, rashes, and potential infections.

Mouse Traps - SHOP

Mouse Traps

Mice and other pests can ruin your food supply and spread disease. Even if you don’t have a rodent problem now, it’s wise to be prepared. Stock up on mouse traps and bait to protect your food and maintain a clean, safe environment.

Lice Shampoo - SHOP

Lice Shampoo

Lice can spread rapidly in close quarters, making them a serious concern during an emergency. Having lice shampoo and fine-toothed combs on hand can help you manage this unpleasant issue before it becomes a significant problem.

Nails & Screws - SHOP

Nails & Screws

You never know what you might need to repair or secure during an emergency. Keep a stockpile of nails and screws for tasks like boarding up windows, repairing furniture, or building makeshift structures. They’re versatile and invaluable in a crisis.

Bags, Bags, Bags - SHOP


Plastic bags, garbage bags, Ziplock bags, mylar bags, canvas tote bags—the uses are endless. Bags can help you organize supplies, protect items from water, or even serve as makeshift shelters. Stock up on a variety of bags to cover all your bases.

Sillcock Key - SHOP

Sillcock Key

This unassuming tool could be a lifesaver in an emergency. A sillcock key can open outdoor spigots or fire hydrants, giving you access to water when other sources are unavailable. Familiarize yourself with their use and location in your area before a crisis strikes.

Safety Glasses - SHOP

Safety Glasses

Your eyes are one of your most valuable assets, so protect them! Safety glasses can shield your eyes from debris, projectiles, or other hazards during a crisis. They’re also useful for outdoor activities like chopping wood or using power tools. Keep a few pairs in your kit.

Wood - SHOP


You’ve probably thought of firewood, but what about raw building materials? Stock up on boards and 2x4’s for any repairs or construction projects that might arise during a crisis. Whether you’re boarding up windows or building new structures, having wood on hand is essential.

Grid Down Communication Method - SHOP

Grid Down Communication Method

When the power goes out and cell towers are down, staying in touch with loved ones is crucial. Invest in a grid-down communication method like ham radios, a satellite phone, or CB radios to maintain communication when other methods fail. It’s an investment in your peace of mind.

Physical Maps - SHOP

Physical Maps

Technology is great, but what happens if you lose access to GPS? Physical maps of your area and surrounding regions are essential for navigation during a crisis. Familiarize yourself with these maps to find alternate routes and important landmarks when electronic devices fail.

Fuel Siphon - SHOP

Fuel Siphon

Don’t let your vehicles or generators run dry during an emergency. A fuel siphon makes it easy to transfer fuel between containers or vehicles. It’s also useful for draining water from flooded areas or removing excess water from bathtubs for drinking purposes.

Glasses & Eyeglass Repair Kits - SHOP

Glasses & Eyeglass Repair Kits

Imagine facing a survival situation after hearing your glasses break—without them, you’d be at a significant disadvantage. If you wear glasses or contacts, stock extra pairs and repair kits in your preps. Even if you don’t need them now, they could become valuable bartering items in a prolonged crisis.

Two is One and One is None

In the world of prepping, redundancy is key. The philosophy of "Two is one and one is none" reminds us to always have backups for our essential items. Whether it’s tools, food, or gear, make sure you have spares—because when you’re relying on something for survival, failure is not an option.


Don’t let these often-overlooked prepping supplies slip through the cracks. Each item plays a vital role in ensuring your preparedness and survival during an emergency. Take the time to review your inventory, and consider adding these essentials to your stash.

And remember, you can prepare and buy storable emergency food here at Mountain Ready. Get prepared today so you can survive tomorrow!